Spring Trees on Wood

Spring Trees on Wood
Collage "Kandinsky Style"

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Dreaming with Marc Chagall

After splitting a large piece of paper into 4 triangles

Students were to draw a profile of a person, and an animal
The other two triangle showed their dreams

Falon was pleased with how her's came together
I thought it might be fun to do a collaborative piece.....Marc Chagall style

We have work to do on it tomorrow....we'll see how it comes together!
Jackson thinks its going in the Portland Art museum where his dad works :)

Stamping with Found objects - aka "Junk"

After all the Self-Portrait "tight work" I wanted to loosen things up

The boys seemed to really enjoy this one!
They got Loose alright!

Self Portraits Inspired by Chuck Close

After looking at Chuck Close's work each student copied their  cropped face on a grid
Instructions were to choose two colors per square.  Colored Pencil or Marker their choose.

It was nice to have an on going project to pull out and work on at each child pace
Each one incredibly unique

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Breaking down the "whole" into parts - learning to Draw

Starting with a picture 

paying attention to each part
just an all around good practice drawing exercise